Sunday, October 23, 2005

Jake and Yogurt and Yoga

I'm sitting here with Jake, while he eats yogurt and I drink tea and I'm trying to explain to him why I want to do yoga and why I wish he wouldn't crawl on me while I do it. I want him to share yoga with me, I want him to learn to appreciate it. But, when I do it, he crawls all over me like a monkey. It's a bummer. We are packing up the fam and heading to the coastal of town of Port Aransas, Texas. It's wonderful and I'm so excited I could pee. I have not seen the ocean since January 2004. That was Hawaii and it was awesome, but going to Port A is liking going home. I've been visiting that town since I was in 3rd grade. That's a long time. I haven't been there in years. It's a healing process and we are always in need of a little healing. We are staying at the everlasting, everlovin' Beachgate. Once again, been going there for years too. This is Jake's 1st visit to the Texas coast and he's really excited. Click on the title entry and you can see a very fun place to stay in Port A.

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