Thursday, November 17, 2005

Super Heroes, Tampax and Feminism

I typed this title to tuck away in my mind a memory of a day that happened quite a long time ago but is pretty fucking relevant right about now. Men, now is the time to "avert your eyes" because what I'm about to describe is going to disgust you. I have given up on tampons. I am tired of shoving cotton sticks made of god knows what up my twat once a month for 4 days and having to deal with the aftermath. Ladies, I hope you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, this story isn't originally about that. I have used mini-pads with tampons for years. Lately, everytime I run into a convenience store to pick up more mini-pads they never have any so I resort to buying max-pads out of desperation. The first pack I brought home was quickly converted into SUPER HERO bands by Jake. He was fascinated by the packaging, ripping open numerous ones and putting them around our wrists like the control pad in The Incredibles. We were both wearing them around the house proclaiming SUPER HERO status. I managed to wrestle the pads away from him without losing all of them in the process. It was the remainder of this packet that turned me on to the fact that maybe tampons weren't for me anymore. I was chatting with my girlie (sistagirl) friend, who's name I will protect in light of the topic, and she said she had stopped wearing tampons. I was intrigued. I tried it out and I felt better. It's a little crazy, old-fashioned and such but I feel like I'm 12 again. I did some more research and found that a few other girlie friends of mine were on the same path. Hmmm. I sat down at my handy dandy notebook computer and did some hunting and pecking. What I wanted to find was that tampons were bad for you and I was on a path of good health. I didn't find anything, but I did discover a website that is worthy of a peruse. These girls are discussing different types of reusable and environmental menustration apparatus thingiemajiggers with wonderful sarcasm. It all made me think of how women are creating there own feminism. Feminism had taken on this new meaning. Before, we were working on gaining equal rights but now we are more about developing ourselves into a more natural form of who we really are. Feminists dress sexy, love to fuck, crochet, cook, sew and more. A feminist doesn't have to leave the house. A feminist is a mother, a stock broker, an artist, a baker, a banker. But most of all a feminist is a woman who is being a woman. Hit the title of this blog and it will link to the site discussing period related products. May you go forward on the path that is best for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, The Keeper totally rocks my world. Ask me anything about it, seriously, it is great.